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Monday, March 29, 2010

The Tobacco Conspiracy

A history of the tobacco industry's lies and scams. From the US in 1953 to Africa today, the controversy between individual responsability and corporate greed is portrayed in a lucid, undaunting manner. From scientific frauds to working with organized crime, tobacco companies show their hidden agenda more clearly than ever in this theatrically released documentary.

Slow Poisoning of India

The Slow Poisoning of India is a 26-minute documentary film depicting the effects of modern pesticide use on local farmers. India is one of the largest users of pesticide in Asia and also one of the largest manufactures. Farmers often use the wrong chemicals, while others overuse.

The film presents startling case studies from Kerala, India where villagers are paying a heavy price as a result of the exposure to pesticide spraying for many years. The film discusses the health impacts in other parts of India and also on how the enchantment of the green revolution in Punjab is fading as land and water bodies have been poisoned.

The Ultimate Predators

The Ultimate Predators is a series of six half-hour films, in which the makers of this documentary uses miniaturised cameras mounted on the hunters themselves to show the chase from their perspective. The series also uses action replays and computer animations, allowing it to analyse the tactics of predator and prey from every angle.

Mara Salvatrucha (MS 13): World's Most Dangerous Gang

During the 1980s, the Central American nation of El Salvador was torn apart by a long and horrifying civil war. Over 75,000 men women and children were killed with one million more fleeing to the United States as refugees. Many of the refugees settled in Los Angeles.